Rights of ORiN
About intellectual properties
The basic policy of ORiN Consortium on intellectual properties is as follows:
ORiN Consortium Basic Policy on Intellectual Properties
Established in September 2013
ORiN Consortium’s basic policy on intellectual properties is established for smooth promotion of the widespread use of ORiN standards, as follows:
Paragraph 1
Any intellectual property rights obtained as an outcome of the committee activities of ORiN Consortium belong to ORiN Consortium. The participants in the committees must transfer all of such intellectual property rights to ORiN Consortium without cost.
Paragraph 2
Those who want to incorporate intellectual property rights owned by them into ORiN standards must take either of the following procedures to make the intellectual property rights available to ORiN Consortium and anyone sublicensed by ORiN Consortium without cost:
- Transfer the rights to ORiN Consortium without cost, or
- Grant a free license to ORiN Consortium including the right of the Consortium to sublicense.
Paragraph 3
When a member of ORiN Consortium acquires an intellectual property right that is essential for the implementation of ORiN standards, the member must take procedures to grant a free license to ORiN Consortium, including the right of the Consortium to sublicense immediately in writing to make the intellectual property right available for ORiN Consortium and anyone sublicensed by ORiN Consortium, without cost..
Paragraph 4
When a standard is newly established or revised, ORiN Consortium inquires of the members to confirm that there are no problems such as infringement of existing intellectual property rights. In the event that there is any such problem, ORiN Consortium will try to solve it with the related parties in accordance with Paragraph 2 or 3 and must not make the standard effective until the problem is solved.
Paragraph 5
The handling of any issues related to intellectual property other than those mentioned above will be discussed and examined in the ORiN Steering Committee and its Planning Sectional Committee. The members will cooperate for the smooth solution of problems.
End of the policy
About registered trademarks
ORiN is a registered trademark of the Japan Robot Association. Please clearly state in written or printed materials, etc., that ORiN is a registered trademark of the Japan Robot Association.
This website plays a pivotal role in the activities of ORiN Consortium. To facilitate the widespread use and growth of ORiN in the future, we will use this website to provide a wide audience of people in relevant positions with easily comprehensible and up-to-date information, materials, specifications, software, etc.
About copyright
The copyrighted materials in the documents and software distributed by ORiN Consortium in various forms are protected by the Copyright Act and international treaties. Unauthorized duplication or distribution of the whole or parts of copyrighted materials is prohibited by law.
ORiN Consortium shall assume no responsibility for any damage or claim by third parties occurring in direct or indirect relation to the use of copyrighted materials.